
Friday 21 December 2012


याद नहीं क्या क्या देखा था, 
अब तो सारे मंजर भूल गए,
जहाँ  की गलियों से जब लौटे, 
अपना भी घर भूल गए।।

खुद भी जब अपनी कसमें, 
अपने वादें अब याद नही ,
हम तो  अपने ख्वाब, 
कहीं आँखों में रख भूल गए।।

 जिन्होंने मेरा क़त्ल किया है,
 कोई उन्हें भी बताये " देवा ",
मेरी लाश के फूलों में वो,
 अपना खन्जर भूल गए ।।

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Life 4 (Social Networking)

The word "Social Networking" seems like most popular word now a days. There are many ideology running with this word. Such as "It is essential part of life for a particular group to making reach through out the world, making and breaking relationships, developing and destroying social community and activeness ". Some where old getting in touch in different countries and other side close friends making gaps with managing virtual/artificial social friends. In both expects where are the problems?

Lets go a period (5 year) back, where mobile exist, internet exist but people are not ebriety(habitual) of these things. They are having time for their family, relatives, friends along with these technologies. Because that people used these things for fulfilling their daily necessity. Often they use internet to make clear their doubts and use mobile to communicate in extreme condition or can say to be remain just in touch. This is the time where people having their social life and they go out to reach their relative's/ neighbour's house to communicate, visit to get updates from them and spend time with friends to chitchat. The hunger of need and technology that was not bad but we make this bad, not bad can say worst.

To explain this issue I have a story of "Adam & Bryan" as follows-
Adam was sitting in his room, lost in thought, deeply worried and was showing all signs of a person facing the biggest crisis of his life. He had lost all interest in his studies, could hardly concentrate, felt that his favorite foods were tasteless and had no motivation to do anything but slouch. He had lost 10 pounds, stopped bathing, hardly slept for 2 hours at a stretch and looked 10 years older than he really was. He was sure that no one faced such a deep crisis in their teens and felt that the entire world was out to get him, yeah the entire world except for his friend Bryan. The thought of Bryan bought a smile to his face and he suddenly remembered that Bryan was coming over to his house in an hour. Bryan was the most popular kid in school and in addition to being the best in anything he took up, he excelled in charming everyone. All girls were tongue tied in front of him and while he did not have a girlfriend, each girl thought that she had a special relationship with him. Adam was encouraged and felt that Bryan would be the only person who would understand him and help him tide through this crisis.

He heard the doorbell and immediately heard his entire family excited and animated. His little sister’s squeaky voice was especially loud. Surely that must be Bryan. Like other girls in his school, his sister had a crush on Bryan too. After exchanging pleasantries and making everyone feel that he had come just to visit them, Bryan bounded up the stairs and knocked Adam’s door. “Gosh,” Bryan said. “You look fantastic; do you have a date tonight?” Bryan was the only one who could be light hearted in Adam’s current state. Adam’s entire family was very worried and real scared to talk to him. They secretly hoped that Bryan could knock some good sense into him. Bryan on the other hand, acted as if nothing had happened and immediately put Adam at ease. Bryan probed – “why this new look?”

With a sigh that conveyed that the weight of the world was on his shoulders, Adam confessed. He said he was troubled deeply by his current situation, could neither eat nor sleep, his whole life seemed to be a blur and he found no joy in anything. He struggled to find words explain his crisis to Bryan and finally blurted out – “I have need to kill my relatives” and with a long pause added “... on Facebook”. Ever since Adam started dating Jessica he felt his life has been a mess. While he felt that she was fantastic and the best thing that had happened to him, her online personality has been real troublesome. First, she nagged him to change his Facebook relationship status. Within seconds of doing so, his extended family pounced on him and started questioning him. An uncle who an ex-Marine put him through a lie detector test and an aunt in Florida was particularly peeved as she felt that he should be hooking up with her friend’s daughter instead of Jess.  Moreover, whenever he and Jess go on a date she posts a status update and a photo of them looking silly together. Three weeks back, he had to sit in one of the photo booths in the local mall looking clowny in four different ways and within seconds his entire extended family saw it on Facebook. “YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO JOIN US FOR DINNER” his mom commented on the post, all in caps. And when Jess replied with a “lol”, not only his mom was pissed with him for missing dinner but was convinced that Jess was the wrong girl for laughing out loud. He kept recounting similar horror stories that had become the bane of his existence and finally said “I see no solution other than cutting off all my relatives … from Facebook.”  The very thought made him shudder and he could not bear the idea of being cut off from his uncles, parents, teachers and cousins who have meant everything to him. Surely this must be the biggest crisis that anyone has faced. With that, Adam started weeping, inconsolably. It was as if a dam broke and all the bottled up problems came to the surface.

Bryan with a loving smile on his face put his hand on Adam’s shoulder and said “hey dude just chill”. Your online profile is not the real you, Brian exclaimed. Similarly he continued — your uncles, aunts and teachers are much more than this imagined entity. While they have photos, videos, posts, comments, birthdays, events and likes the “real” them is something much deeper, something that cannot be expressed in words. The key to real happiness Bryan said, with a twinkle in his eye, is to first find the real you and then when you do that you can connect with the reality in anyone. Bryan also said that the real Adam was always there, before the online identity existed and will continue to be there when this imagined identity ceases to be. The moment you see the truth of this, lightness will descend and you will easily deal with these imagined entities. You will be objective about blocking or ‘unfriending’ your extended family and will feel immense love for all because for the first time you will meet and connect with the reality. Being in love and making others see this reality will give you so much joy that that will become the sole purpose and sole driver of your life.

“Is it really that simple and obvious” Adam asked. To which Bryan burst out laughing and said, “Yes my dearest friend it really is.” It is hard to do things to sustain our artificial identity, but it is super easy is to just be our real selves. Adam felt the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders was overwhelmed with gratitude and love for Bryan and said – “Hey can I call you master, it will mean a lot to me.” Bryan laughed again and said “Sure but realize that there is no difference between the real you and the real me, but that is for a different day”. They both laughed and bounded down the stairs drawn by the smell of fresh pancakes from the kitchen.

After going through this story this story seems to be every 3rd or 4th of youth is suffering from similar kind of this problem. Using in this artificial world we start living in this world, we start wishing birthdays on it, sending wedding invitations on it, chatting morning to late night to our friends in virtual environment, requesting for apps emotionally hoping for approval if not then it ll built a knot inside our heart and slowly slowly it gives serious spaces between two. It become just formality to wish birthdays, joining invitations, likes n more.

I don't want to come on any conclusion but can suggest to believe in real world and be more active in this.

Friday 2 November 2012


दिन ये यारों हर साल चला आता है,
भूली बिसरी यादों को जगा जाता है,
मिलकर कुछ से  चहक उठते है चेहरे ,
सुन कर आवाज कुछ की आँखों में भर आते नगमे ,
हर साल ये दिन कुछ यादें जोड़ भी जाता है,
बीत रही है ज़िन्दगी याद करा जाता है,
मायूस हो या खुश हो अजीब कसमकस है,
क्या यही जीवन है अभी भी असमंजस है ।।

Sunday 2 September 2012

Life 3

What is all around? What this life is? 

Is life selfish?

Some time I say yes. As this is proved today.
All my friends says that some person keep good understanding till they find something in you useful then they put you out like a bee from tea.

I got a call today, strange no. but after hearing voice I feel its a good day one of my best, cutest, closest, friend still remember me. I was feeling that I’ll never gonna chance to contact again. As all contacts are not reachable or not responding. After start talking I was thinking that now we will talk about what’s going on, so long time and all bla bla .. but sudden with in few seconds my feeling was dead because the call was not for me it’s for a purpose. My ears were full of echo of my friends sound. Do not trust anyone. That time I was feeling same like a bee in a tea.

While the experience of separating from someone I really loved, offered me one more opportunity to contemplate impermanence, the reality of suffering, the inevitability of karma and finally the preciousness of an auspicious human birth that should not be wasted at any cost. The fact is, we are the only ones who can change our circumstances through making a conscious effort to notice our own mind-set.

That time only these lines come to my mind don't know why..

You can run from me
You can hide form me
But I am right beside you
In this life. 
To get me though today and this life
Let me tell you who you really are 
Let me show you what I'm made of
Good intentions are not enough ...

One side where I am working as a bull in absence of my friend at friends place, just trying to fulfil his absence and keep management and another side a another friend want me to dance on call and instruction. Two friends but big difference in intentions, feeling and emotions. Just a day back I have same set of feeling but now i got the difference. This is not first time i deceived, many time before this but now this time to get a lesson and move on.  

I lose myself in the illusion of separation and suffer only because I believe the ego is real. This is contrary to the ego’s empty nature as a simple matrix for the mind to help me navigate through the world. In the same way that repeated thoughts, such as jealousy or hate (or love and emotions) begin to create a force field that attracts more of the same, my repeated belief in the ego causes it to take on a life force of  own and begin to think of ‘myself’ as something with actual substance that is separate from all that is.

Life continues ......

Wednesday 25 July 2012

वो कोई और था

वो कोई और था जिसे तुमने देखा था,
जो हर बात में मुस्कुराता ,
जो वक़्त चहकता रहता था,
हर ख्वाब को सच करने का हौसला रखता था,

वो कोई और था जिसे तुमने देखा था,

हर राह  में मंजिल पा लेता ,
हर सवाल का जवाब दे देता ,
हर मुसीबत  का हल दिमाग में रखता था,

वो कोई और था जिसे तुमने देखा था,
जो एक उदाहरण था ,
जो एक नीसां था जीत का ,
हर जीत के बाद नयी जंग की राह ताकता था,

वो कोई और था जिसे तुमने देखा था,
आज वो खुद जूझ रहा है,
अपने वजूद को बचाने में,
अपनी मंजिल तलासने में,
वो शायद वो ही है जिसे तुमने  देखा था,

मगर आज वो वो नही रहा,
वो बहुत बदल गया है,
इक ईमारत हुआ करता था जो,
अब बस खंडहर रह गया है
एक खंडहर रह गया है।

Tuesday 26 June 2012

आसां नहीं

दिल की बात को जुबां पे लाना इतना आसां नहीं,
अपनों को अपनी बात समझाना इतना आसां नहीं,
अपने ही ख़्वाबों का सौदा करना इतना आसां नहीं,
जहाँ के लिए खुद को भूल जाना इतना आसां नहीं,
जिंदगी के सफ़र में मंजिल पाना इतना आसां नहीं,
सफ़र में किसी का साथ पाना भी इतना आसां नहीं,
खुद पर ही हर इलज़ाम लगाना इतना आसां नहीं,
हर ज़ुल्म की खुद को सजा देना इतना आसां नहीं,
जैसा दिखता है जहाँ ये जहाँ भी इतना आसां नहीं,
खुद को इस जहाँ से ही बचा पाना इतना आसां नहीं ||

Saturday 16 June 2012

वक़्त रुकता नही

ना मुहब्बत ना दोस्ती के लिए
वक़्त रुकता नही किसी के लिए
दिल को अपने सज़ा न दे यूं ही
इस ज़माने की बेरुखी के लिए
कल जवानी का हश्र क्या होगा 
सोच ले आज दो घड़ी के लिए 
हर कोई प्यार ढूँढ़ता है यहाँ 
अपनी तनहा सी ज़िंदगी के लिए 
वक़्त के साथ साथ चलता रहे 
यही बेहतर है आदमी के लिए ||

Wednesday 6 June 2012

भूल गए

याद  नहीं  क्या  क्या  देखा  था  सारे  मंज़र  भूल  गए , 
उस  की  गलियों  से  जब  लौटे  अपना  भी  घर  भूल  गए ,
खूब  गए  परदेस  की  अपने  दीवार -ओ  - दर  भूल  गए ,
शीश -महल  ने  ऐसा  घेरा  मिट्टी  के  घर  भूल  गए ,
तुझ  को  भी  जब  अपनी  कसमें  अपने  वादे  याद  नही  ,
हम  भी  अपने  ख़्वाब  तेरी  आँखों  में  रख  कर  भूल  गए ,
मुझ  को  जिन्होंने  क़त्ल  किया  है  कोई  उन्हें  बतलाये  "देवा " ,
मेरी  लाश  के  पहलू  में  वो  अपना  खंजर  भूल  गए ,
खंजर पर लगे खून के छीटों में हमारे करम धुल गए ,
मरना तो है सबको लेकिन हम तो जीना ही भूल गए ||

Tuesday 5 June 2012

UMANG ( उमंग )

उठती सी उमंग है ज़िन्दगी में रोज नयी,
दिल में रोज एक बोझ सा रह जाता है ,
बेचैन सी निकल जाती है रात आँखों तले से,
उल्जे पन्नों  को सुल्जाने में भी डर सा लगता है,
सब जान कर भी नासमझ बना बैठा हु मैं,
इतना सोच कर भी वक़्त कम सा लगता है, 
डूब जाना चाहता हूँ में उजाले की गहराई में,
पर आँख खोल देखने का भी मन नही करता है,
बैठा रहूँ उस  राह पर जीवन भर ,
जिस  राह में साथ आपका अच्छा सा लगता है।।

Wednesday 23 May 2012

किसी की याद आती रही

आज  गुमसुम  हवाएं लोरियां सी सुनाती रही ,
मेरी तन्हाई  फिर मुझे सताती रही ,
सन्नाटों को चीरती ,
किसी की याद आती रही ।

मेरी कलम  सफ़ेद  कागच  पर ,
लिख  लिख  कुछ  मिटाती  रही ,
सूखे से लबों पर जैसे 
कोई बात  आती सी रही,
किसी की याद आती रही ।

बीते हुए पल  कभी ना  लौटेंगे,
ना ही लौटेंगे दूर जाने वाले,
दोपहर में तेज  हवाएं गली में ,
जैसे धूल  उड़ाती सी रही,
किसी की याद आती रही ।

सूखे पत्तों की सरसराहट मुझे ,
किसी की याद  दिलाती रही ,
मेरी उँगलियाँ रेत  पर  जैसे ,
मेरी किस्मत  लिखती रही मिटाती  रही,
किसी की याद आती रही ।।

Monday 9 April 2012


I heard few lines few days before

उम्मीदों वाली धूप, Sunshine वाली आशा ....

बस यही सोच कर कुछ याद आ गया ....

शाम का सूरज देखे अब तो अरसा हो चला है ,
चाँद भी देखा नही चांदनी को देखे अरसा हो चला है,
देर हो जाती है आज कल घर आते आते ,
थके होते है इतने के कैसे करे अपनों से बातें,
सवेरे की धूप भी अब तो आँखों में चुबती सी लगती है,
रात को चलती ठंडी हवा भी नींद कहाँ ला पाती है ,
बारिस के पानी से भी डर सा लगा रहता है,
नीर निगलते भी स्वाद बदला सा लगता है ,
अब तो बस यही उम्मीद सी रहती है ,
यूँ ही  ज़िन्दगी कटती सी लगती है ।।

What are I waiting for ?
another day another dawn.
some day I have to find a new way to peace.

Saturday 24 March 2012

रोना छोड़ दिया

ज़िन्दगी अक्सर कुछ कहना भूल जाती है ,
रास्तों पर पड़ी धूल भी हवा से उड़ जाती है ,
आँखों में पड़ती उन धूल से ,
सपने देख की हुई भूल से ,
मैंने आज खुल कर बोल दिया ,
यही की अब मैंने रोना छोड़ दिया ।।

कुछ कहे ना कहे ये ज़िन्दगी
सबक सारे ये दे जाती है,
हम भी रहे ना रहे यहाँ
सिमटी हुई सी यादें रह जाती है,
यादों के बहते कारवां से ,
लिपटी ज़िन्दगी की साँसों से,

मैंने आज खुल कर बोल दिया ,
यही की अब मैंने रोना छोड़ दिया ।।

यारों की यारी से खुशी मिल जाती है,
हंसी मजाक में कभी मंजिल मिल जाती है,
साथ चले उन मस्ती के पलों से,
अभी भी बची हुई उस जुम्बिस से,

मैंने आज खुल कर बोल दिया ,
यही की अब मैंने रोना छोड़ दिया ।।

अब भी  वो बदरी वहां बरस जाती है,
पर हमे ना पाकर उदास लौट जाती है,
सीख इस बंजर जमीन से,
सूखे  काटों की चुभन से ,

मैंने आज खुल कर बोल दिया ,
यही की अब मैंने रोना छोड़ दिया ।।

नम साँसों से कभी आह आ जाती है,
जब फिजा तरसा कर चली जाती है ,
उन सर्द हवाओ की ठिठुरन से,
जलती लकड़ियों के धुएं से,

मैंने आज खुल कर बोल दिया ,
यही की अब मैंने रोना छोड़ दिया ।।

Sunday 18 March 2012

Life 2

    After having to some experience of real life there is no peace of mind seems far away. So I just prefer stillness now. In order to experience stillness we need to empty our minds.

       This  is a very difficult task. It is easily   said, but so difficult to do.  We are always full of so much. We are either full of our own thoughts  or full of our  own prejudices. We are full  of  what  others  have  taught  us  or  what has been filled into our brain. There is no space.  The  mind is filled to the brim.  And  if we  are   filled to the brim, how can we find stillness within us?

         To empty our mind is actually th e process of sadhana. It is important to understand that the one, who is doing the emptying, is himself, made up of what he is trying to empty. 

      Emptying itself is neither a conscious process nor even an unconscious process. ‘Empty itself’ simply means to understand the concept. It is not as if I can sit down in one place – like a technique – and say, ‘I am emptying myself.’ This is not possible. But the concept should be in my mind, so that as I live in this world and communicate with the people around me, the process of emptiness begins to work in me.

       It starts like this, to give an example of what I mean. I see somebody and I am upset with that somebody for something that he has done to hurt me in the past. When I meet that person today, after 10 years, how do I meet him? Am I meeting him with the same feeling I have carried with me all those years? Then I am not emptying myself. On the other hand, I could say, ‘ OK, ten years have passed. Hopefully, this man has changed because minds can change. After all, he only hurt me. Maybe he has not hurt hundreds of other people. 

       So it could be my fault. We only need to keep all these things clear that which thoughts are destroying our stillness. Here I think as per conclusion  stillness is the  only thing which can give us a proper peace of mind. 

Monday 5 March 2012

College Days

Remembering my classmates, after few years,
My eyes were filled with tears,
Everyone is busy a lot,
No one escaped destiny's plot,

Saw the girl, whom once I thought as my best friend,
Oops! Today she is some body else's girl friend,
After months remembered about her for a little while,
Heard she is happy, that made me smile,

Project reviews to company interviews,
Nicknames to last bench games,
Cultural rehearsals to love proposals,
Short term crushes to classroom blushes,

Everything is fresh in our mind,
Wish life could just rewind,
Lets laugh, play and rejoice,
Once again become college guys,

Chatting and laughing. We all were in elation,
Till the painful moment of separation,
When it was time to part,
We returned with a heavy heart,

Today life is full of commitments,
And too many worries,
But those cherished moments,
will leave forever in our memories.

Tuesday 28 February 2012


कैसा  है  ये  सफ़र
मंजर कुछ समझ नहीं आया है
क्या ये है मेरी मंजिल
या साहिल का और कहीं किनारा  है
शुरुआत तो कर चुके
काफिर दिल फिर भी बैचेन है
कब क्या करें हम
मन भी हर वक़्त मचलता है
कहता है  कुछ और
करना न जाने क्या चाहता है
इशारे दिखे जहाँ
नज़रें पहचान ना पाई है
मेहनत करते हुए
दिल में तीस सी चुभी पाई है
साथ है हर कोई 
मन में फिर भी मची तन्हाई है 
शुरुआत तो कर चुके
मगर तसल्ली कहाँ पाई है ।। 


Friday 24 February 2012


ये किस दौर से गुजरे जा रहा हूँ ,
गम है या ख़ुशी ..
समझ ही नहीं पा रहा हूँ ,
बीते जा रहे है ये कीमती पल ,
इन पलों के पीछे  भागा जा रहा हूँ ,
ये दौर है कैसा इस जीवन का ,
समां -ए- सुहाना ढूंढे जा रहा हूँ ,
फ़ना की राह पर भी पनाह नहीं यहाँ ,
इन राहों को हसीन बनाये  जा रहा हूँ ,
लगता है जल्दी अपना दौर भी आएगा ,
बस अब ये कल कब बुलाएगा ,
अब अपने ख्वाबों के पन्ने समेटे ,
अनजानी फ़िक्र को पीछे छोड़े,
ज़िन्दगी पर यकीन किये जा रहा हूँ,
बस ये  ज़िन्दगी जीये जा रहा हूँ  ।।


Tuesday 7 February 2012


एक हमें आवारा कहना कोई बड़ा इलज़ाम नहीं ,
दुनिया वाले दिल वालों को और बहुत कुछ कहते हैं |

दिल की बात लबों पर लाकर अब तक हम दुःख सहते हैं,
हम ने सूना था इस बस्ती में दिल वाले भी रहते हैं |

Monday 6 February 2012

Sabr (सब्र)

नम इस नब्ज से धड़कन छीन कोई ले जाए ,
दर्द को दबा कर सहारा कोई दे जाए ।

कला इस कलम की कागज से चुरा ले जाए ,
एहसास कोई भी अब रह ना जाए ।

 ख़्वाब इस आँखों से अब कोई चुरा कर ले जाए ,
कब्र के सूखे हुए फूल उठा कर ले जाए ।

अब ना रहा जाए दूर इस मंजर में खुदी से ,
सब्र का बांध तोड़ कोई तो तोड़ जाए ।

मुन्तजिर फूल में खुशबू की तरह हूँ कब से,
कोई झोंकें की तरह आये उड़ा कर ले जाए ।।

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Life 1

New phase of life is now start, how to say which way life is going. Still a question in mind Am I on track ?? A life is running like a Hindi movie. A man come out from his hometown to seek success and after a short struggle here plan is ready for future, but Is this really my plan? IT is my dream from the time of the start, now IT provides me 1st step and I am not very much happy. Is this what i want ? What is going wrong ? Is this my dream? lots of question marks there in my life now. Now the thing is what I need. I need a security, a peace of mind. I think I am not able to find this in IT. What to do now? Still have two option Govt. and continue to IT. In these days life give me lots of experiences. Lots of them run around to my friends very well known, well known and just know all friends are important, just like "Har ek Friend Jaruri hota h". they help me a lot shared experience and knowledge. After all this I think as per my LIFE every thing is preplanned. I am only waking by the road and believing that 'll be the road of my destination.


जब भी बाहर निकला घर से 
बहुत कुछ सुना मैंने मेरे दोस्त  
जब भी किसी ने कुछ कहा
कुछ अच्छा तो कुछ बुरा भी लगा 
कुछ सच्चा मगर कुछ झूठा लगा
मैंने  पूछा  उससे  की 
क्या तुम  उन्हें  जानते  हो
उन्हें कैसे पहचानते हो   
पर वो झूठ कह कर भी सच बोल गया
और अपनी ख़ामोशी से सब बोल गया
क्या कहूँ अपने उस दोस्त से मैं
के उसे बोलना नहीं आता
या मुझसे अपनी बात बताना नही आता
पर क्या करूँ मेरे दोस्त
मुझे भी तेरे बिना जीना नहीं आता ।।

Saturday 28 January 2012


काफ़िर इस मुकम्मल जहाँ के हम कब हो गए,
जिन्हें न था तक्करुफ़ फिर यहाँ क्यों रुक गए,
तालीम थी क्या, क्या वक़्त के साथ छोड़ गए,
क्यों न जाने ये सोच पलक पटक कर सो गए ।।

Tuesday 24 January 2012


सुबह सुबह एक ख्वाब की दस्तक पर दरवाजा खोला ,
देखा आज सरहद के उस पार से कुछ मेहमान आए है, 
आँखों से मायूस थे सारे, चेहरे सारे सुने सुनाये,
हाथ धोये, पाँव धुलवाए, आँगन में आसन लगवाये,
और तंदूर के मटके पर कुछ मोटे मोटे रोट पकाए ,
पोटली में मेहमान मेरे पिछले साल का गुड लाए,
अचानक आँख खुली तो देखा घर में कोई नहीं था ,
हाथ लगा कर देखा तो तंदूर अभी बुझा नहीं था,
होटों पर मीठे गुड का जायका अभी तक चिपका था,
ख्वाब था शायद, ख्वाब ही होगा,
सुना सरहद पर कल रात गोली चली थी,
जरुर वहां कुछ ख्वाबों का खून हुआ होगा ।।

Lines By गुलजार साहब   :- 
बंद  आँखों से मैं रोज सरहद के पार चला जाता हूँ  मिलने मेहंदी हसन से ,
सुनता हूँ  उनकी आवाज को चोट लगी है और गजल अभी खामोश  है ......... :-(  :-(  

हसन साहब Get well soon ...

Saturday 21 January 2012


समय के पहिये  की चाल  में
इक काले समंदर की तह में
गहरायों के अँधेरे तल में
कलियों की तरह से खिलती हुई
फूलो की तरह से हंसती हुई
खुशबू  की तरह महकती हुई 
सारी शक्लें खो जायेंगी
ये जवानी
ये आजादी
खून की गर्दिश
दिल की धड़कन
मिलने की तड़पन
सब रंगीनियाँ सो जायेंगी
बस इस वक़्त की यादें रह जायेगीं |

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Saath Chalo

 राह के मुसाफिर डगर थाम साथ चल सको तो चलो
 तेज लहरों को चीरते हुए साथ चल सको तो चलो
 तरकस - - तीर जंगल में खाली साथ चल सको तो चलो
 रेतीले रेगिस्थान रहे ना नीर  साथ चल सको तो चलो
 आहटें सुनकर फिजाओं की साथ चल सको तो चलो
 सर्द चादर है बर्फ की लेकिन साथ चल सको तो चलो
 हुजूम - - गम मैं मेरे साथ चल सको तो चलो
 कदम कदम पर है मुस्किल साथ चल सको तो चलो

Wednesday 11 January 2012


क्या  लिखूं  जब सोचूं  तेरे  लिए ,
बस  याद  है  मुस्काने  के  लिए,
जुड़ा है जब  मन  का  ये  रिश्ता ,
कोई  खरीद ले, है  नहीं  ये  इतना  सस्ता ||

for pagal...

Sunday 8 January 2012


एक ऐसा गीत गाना चाहता हूँ मैं ,
ख़ुशी हो या गम, बस मुस्कुराना चाहता हूँ मैं |

दोस्तों की दोस्ती तो हर कोई निभाता है,
दुश्मनों को भी अपना दोस्त बनाना चाहता हूँ मैं |

जो हम उड़े अकेले ऊंचाई पर तो क्या नाम किया ,
साथ में हर किसी के पंख फैलाना चाहता हूँ मैं |

वो सोचते है की  मैं अकेला हूँ उनके बिना,
तन्हाई साथ है मेरे , इतना बताना चाहता हूँ |

खुदा तमन्ना बस इतनी सी है ..... कबूल करना,
बस मुस्कुराते हुए तेरे घर आना चाहता हूँ मैं |

बस ख़ुशी हो हर पल ही ,
और मेहकें ये गुलशन सारा अभी ,
हर किसी के गम को अपनाना चाहता हूँ मैं |

एक ये  मुस्कराहट ही तो  है मेरी पहचान ,
इसी के साथ अपना जीवन जीना चाहता हूँ मैं |

एक ऐसा गीत गाना चाहता हूँ मैं ,
ख़ुशी हो या गम, बस मुस्कुराना चाहता हूँ मैं |